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Azure Search API

Azure search is an indexing service where you can look for content in documents. You could compare it with your personal Bing search engine for your own indexed documents. You can configure and search your documents by using the Azure Search REST API. This blog post tells you more about it.

Note: Azure search is currently in preview (at the time of writing), you might need to request access first using your Azure subscription in order to view/use this functionality. To test this service, you can use one of the free packages.

What is Azure Search

Azure search is an indexing service where you can look for content in documents. You could compare it with your personal Bing search engine for your own indexed documents. You can configure and search your documents by using the Azure Search REST API.

Typical usage flow:

  1. Create an Azure Search Service using the portal
  2. Create an Index schema
  3. Upload documents to the index
  4. Query the Azure Search for results 

Configuring Azure Search Service using the the preview portal


In order to start using Azure Search, you will need:

Creating the search service

Browse to and follow the instructions as shown in the following screenshots.

Azure Search Servuce

Azure Search Service 2

Using Fiddler to configure your search

Once you have set up your Azure Search Service, we can start using the API. You might notice the api-version query url parameter that you might need to change as things evolve.

Creating an index

An index defines the skeleton of your documents using a schema that includes a number of data fields. To create an index, you can issue a POST or PUT request with at least one valid “field”. Each POST request uses a JSON payload in order to specify the request body.

 POST Example

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 579

  "name": "products",
  "fields": [
    {"name": "productId", "type": "Edm.String", "key": true, "searchable": false, "filterable": true},
    {"name": "title", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "filterable": true},
    {"name": "category", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "filterable": true},
    {"name": "description", "type": "Edm.String", "searchable": true, "filterable": true},
    {"name": "releaseDate", "type": "Edm.DateTimeOffset" },
    {"name": "isPromotion", "type": "Edm.Boolean" },
    {"name": "price", "type": "Edm.Double" }
You should receive a 201 Created response.

Modifying your index

Whenever you want to edit your index, just issue a new POST request with an updated index. For now only added fields are updated. Changes to existing fields are not possible (you should delete and recreate the index).

Deleting your index

Fiddler 2


You should receive a 204 No Content response.

Retrieving existing indexes configured on your Azure Search Service

Fiddler 3


Index new blob files

We previously created a new Azure Search index. It’s time to populate the index with some documents. For each document you need to upload it to the Search Service API as JSON format using the following structure:

  "value": [
      "@search.action": "upload (default) | merge | delete",
      "key_field_name": "unique_key_of_document", (key/value pair for key field from index schema)
      "field_name": field_value (key/value pairs matching index schema)
You could of course use Fiddler to upload your documents but let’s write some code to do this. 

Hands-on: Index new blob files using Azure WebJobs

Because “we” (developers) are lazy and try to automate as much as possible, we could use Azure WebJobs as a blob polling service and then index each new blob file on the fly. For the sake of simplicity, we will only send 1 file to the Azure Search API service, you could however send over a batch to the indexing service (~ max 1000 documents at once and size should be < 16MB).

The following example is available for download on Github

Creating the Azure WebJob

More information on how to create a WebJob can be found here

Creating a WebJob is fairly easy, you just need to have the following static method to pickup new blob messages:

public static void ProcessAzureSearchBlob([BlobTrigger("azure-search-files/{name}")] TextReader inputReader) { }
The blob connectionstring is specified in the config and the webjob will poll on the blob container “azure-search-files”. When you drop a new file in the blob container, the method will be executed. Simple as that and half of the work already done! We created an index before so we should follow the indexing schema. Let’s drop the following XML file:
  ASUS EeePC 1016PXW 11-Inch Netbook
  Computers  Tablets
    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics Gen7 4EU
    Cameras: 1.2MP
    Operating System: Windows 8.1
The last and most interesting task is to parse the blob message and send it to the API. First we deserialize the xml to an object.
var deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Product), new XmlRootAttribute("Product"));
var product = (Product)deserializer.Deserialize(inputReader);
Then we parse it to JSON using Json.NET library.
var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(product,Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() });
message.Content = JObject.Parse(jsonString);
Finally we need to adjust the JSON format in order to have the same structure as Azure Search API is expecting.
var indexObject = new JObject();
var indexObjectArray = new JArray();
var itemChild = new JObject { { "@search.action", "upload" } };
indexObject.Add("value", indexObjectArray);
We send the JSON using an HttpClient. This is the request that was sent
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 431

  "value": [
      "@search.action": "upload",
      "productId": "B00FFJ0HUE",
      "title": "ASUS EeePC 1016PXW 11-Inch Netbook",
      "category": "Computers \ Tablets",
      "description": "n    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics Gen7 4EUn    Cameras: 1.2MPn    Operating System: Windows 8.1n  ",
      "releaseDate": "2013-11-12T00:00:01.001Z",
      "isPromotion": false,
      "price": 362.9

And the response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json; odata.metadata=minimal
Expires: -1
request-id: 1abe3320-de0e-47aa-ac65-c6aa15f303c3
elapsed-time: 15
OData-Version: 4.0
Preference-Applied: odata.include-annotations="*"
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 07:20:29 GMT
Content-Length: 221


To make things easy, I’ve created a test client that sends the message to blob for you.

Azure Mgmt Studio


Querying the Azure Search Service

Querying is done using the Query API Key.


You can do a simple lookup by the key of your index schema. Here we can lookup the previously uploaded document with productId: B00FFJ0HUE

Fiddler 4


Simple query syntax

Querying is fairly simple. For a complete overview, you should check the complete API reference. For this example, the service has 5 product documents. 4 of them have a price lower than 500. We can execute the following query to retrieve the 4 products.

Querying Search Service

GET$filter=(price+lt+500)&api-version=2014-07-31-Preview HTTP/1.1


Azure Search also supports paging, so we can also $skip and $take a number of results.

More info on the syntax to create specific queries: MSDN

Additionally the following characters may be used to fine-tune the query:

  • +: AND operator. E.g. wifi+luxury will search for documents containing both “wifi” and “luxury”
  • |: OR operator. E.g. wifi|luxury will search for documents containing either “wifi” or “luxury” or both
  • -: NOT operator. E.g. wifi -luxury will search for documents that have the “wifi” term and/or do not have “luxury” (and/or is controlled by searchMode)
  • *: suffix operator. E.g. lux* will search for documents that have a term that starts with “lux”, ignoring case.
  • “: phrase search operator. E.g. while Roach Motel would search for documents containing Roach and/or Motel anywhere in any order, “Roach Motel” will only match documents that contains that whole phrase together and in that order (text analysis still applies).
  • ( ): precedence operator. E.g. motel+(wifi|luxury) will search for documents containing the “motel” term and either “wifi” or “luxury” (or both).

There is more than this…

Time to mention some extra features that are out of scope for this blogpost:

CORS Support

When using javascript to query the service, you will expose your API Query key to the end-user. If you have a public website, someone might just steal your key to use on their own website. CORS will prevent this by checking the HTTP Headers where the original request came from.

Hit highlighting

You could issue a search and get a fragment of the document where the keyword is highlighted. The Search API will respond with HTML markup (<em />).


Provides the ability to retrieve suggestions based on partial search input. Typically used in search boxes to provide type-ahead suggestions as users are entering text. More info: MSDN

Scoring Profiles

Scores matching documents at query time to position them higher / lower in ranking. More info: MSDN

Performance and pricing

When you are interested for using the service in production, you can pay for a dedicated Search Unit. Search Units allow for scaling of QPS (Queries per second), Document Count, Document Size and High Availability. You could also use Replicas in order to load balance your documents.

And more…


Download Sample

Sample code can be found here:

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