Tous les Life at codit

Codit Weekend 2023: An Adventure Organized by the Codit Fun Team

Over the past weekend, Codit employees in Belgium embarked on our highly anticipated "Codit Weekend," an annual event organized by the Codit Fun Team.

This year, we went to De Hoge Rielen, a beautiful forest area near Antwerp where we were fully immersed in nature! Full of adventure, delicious food and lots of bonding, the weekend was the perfect blend of excitement and relaxation. Let’s delve into the highlights!

The weekend began with a celebratory evening full of music, dancing and laughter. The Fun Team made sure to keep everyone in high spirits by arranging ice-breaking games and activities. The contagious atmosphere set up an incredible weekend ahead.

The next morning, we put on our sunscreen and sporty clothes to take part in an exhilarating GPS-tracking tour. Divided into teams, participants headed into the forest, armed with GPS devices and a set of clues. This activity allowed employees to explore the surroundings, test their problem-solving skills and work as a team, collaborating to decipher the clues and reach their destination. The excitement and friendly competition were palpable throughout the tour, creating lasting memories.

After this, the Fun Team arranged a raft-building game that pushed participants to their limits, testing both creativity and teamwork. With limited supplies and using their ingenuity, teams were challenged to construct sturdy rafts capable of withstanding a water race. This activity not only promoted cooperation and communication but also underscored the importance of problem-solving under pressure. The participants’ competitive spirit and determination to succeed made the game an unforgettable experience.

What better way to foster bonds and enjoy the sun than a delicious BBQ? Employees indulged in delicious grilled treats after a day of adventure, basking in the picturesque surroundings. The smell of the sizzling rundsbrochetten, worsten, and kieken, alongside the laughter of colleagues, made for a wonderful evening.

For those seeking an adrenaline rush, the Fun Team had a surprise in store the next morning—an adventurous high ropes course. Participants summoned the courage to tackle a series of challenging obstacles suspended high above the ground. From rope bridges to zip lines, the high ropes course pushed boundaries and brought encouragement from onlookers. The bravery and personal triumphs shown only brought everyone closer together!

This year’s Codit Weekend was a truly wonderful event that brought Codit employees together for a weekend of excitement, team-building, and celebration. From vibrant parties to BBQs, high ropes to enjoying the evening sun, lasting bonds were formed at the same time as problem-solving skills were honed. The weekend will undoubtedly be remembered as a milestone in Codit’s history: one that nurtured a unity and camaraderie that will remain strong for many years.


Interested in joining us next year?

Contacter Anne


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