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Make Integration Testing a Breeze with API Mocking

Integration testing is a must if you want stable software. However, it's difficult to get your integration tests to call the real dependencies, especially when it comes to load tests. That's where API mocking can help.
This article will explain you how to do that with maximizing the power of Azure!

Diving into integration testing

Integration testing is obviously an essential step when you want to develop stable software. Most of the time you want dive a bit deeper into the testing process and go beyond the happy flow tests and one way to go this is test with API mocking. However, when you cover a wide variety of tests, you will also get a wide variety of responses from your mocked endpoints. I will explain this a bit more as we go along.

General concept

In this demo we will run our tests from our favourite testing framework.

  1. During setup we will configure our responses in a storage account we expect during our tests.
  2. While running the test we will call our API which is subject under test(=SUT)
  3. The SUT will forward the request to the mocked endpoint in API-M
  4. API-M will fetch the expected response to return and return it to the SUT.
  5. The test scenario is verified if the request was the request we expected

For uploading and downloading a blob I recommend you to take a look at the Client Library options in Azure Documentation

Import API Mocking

Next, we need to import the API we want to mock. You can do this via the various methods. The most easy one, based on an Open-API spec is described in the Azure Docs here

It doesn’t matter if the URL points towards the real API. That is something we will modify in the next step.

Response Mocking

Depending on the storage account container we use to set up the public access role, we do not need to authenticate. Instead we can go directly to the URL.
So the easy way to configure this is to go to the API in Azure API Management and set the backend service URL to the storage container you want to fetch the results from, and to rewrite the URL to the blob file you uploaded – or will upload – for that operation.

A sample inbound section for the policy will look like this:


        <base />
        <set-backend-service base-url=”https://[Storage Account Name][Container Name] ” />
        <rewrite-uri template=”[blob file name inside your container].json” copy-unmatched-params=”false” />

Request verification

Unfortunately, request verification is not as easy as response mocking. When a request comes in, we will upload the file to Azure Storage inside our Azure API-M Operation policy, but for create/update operations it is required to authenticate this in Azure Storage. We do not need to enter a ClientID and ClientSecret as it is done via Managed Identity, but nevertheless the policy will be a little bit more complex.

Here is an example inbound section for a policy to upload the request:

        <authentication-managed-identity resource=”” />
        <rewrite-uri template=”[blob file name inside your container].json” copy-unmatched-params=”false” />
        <set-header name=”x-ms-version” exists-action=”override”>
        <set-header name=”x-ms-blob-type” exists-action=”override”>
        <set-backend-service base-url=”https://[Storage Account Name][Container Name] ” />
        <base />
You might want to put this section in a send request policy if you want to combine the response mocking and request verification for one operation.

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