alle Technical posts

Domain Operations as F# Lenses

Lenses are a great way to interact with immutable structures. This post goes over a possible approach to using lenses with a strict domain model.

18 Jul 2024

alle Codit insights

A Simple Chat App with LangChain

In the final blog post of this series, we will have a look at how to make an AI-driven app in LangChain.

10 Jul 2024

alle Codit insights

Why You Need Azure to Secure Your AI Solution

Watch the full video to ensure fairness, security, transparency and accountability in your AI deployment.

9 Jul 2024

alle Technical posts

LangChain: Creating a Summary App

In the third part of this blog series on LangChain, we will create an app that analyses the user’s question and performs actions based on this analysis. Specifically, this app will either conduct a cognitive search or summarize a specific file. We will also demonstrate how to upload a file to a blob storage, chunk it and upload it to your index. This post assumes that you already know how to create a basic API in Python.

4 Jul 2024

alle Codit insights

What are the Fundamentals of a Data Platform?

In the era of AI and analytics, a robust data platform is essential. Watch the video for more information.

2 Jul 2024

alle Technical posts

Creating a LangChain App with Cognitive Search

This blog post will walk you through creating an AI chat application that uses AI search – also known as cognitive search.

26 Jun 2024
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