Flanders Make Accelerates and Safeguards Innovation for Manufacturers

Codit helped Flanders Make to develop rapid and secure apps with the help of a Data Platform

Flanders Make specializes in applied research and customized innovation for the manufacturing industry, developing tailored solutions, collaborating on technological challenges, and providing high-tech infrastructure for testing and validation. Its focus spans production, quality assurance, logistics, and maintenance, driving progress in smart manufacturing, and the challenges these focus points pose.

Images courtesy of Flanders Make

In light of these developing challenges, Flanders Make needed to introduce a cutting-edge solution that would help it foster innovation and deploy applications and use cases in a fast, controlled, and secure way.

In answer, Codit built a landing zone on Microsoft Azure to make this possible. The landing zone consists of fully automated deployments that take care of the foundations required to build applications. This involves 5 main pillars:

  1. Connectivity: Ensures secure, private network traffic.
  2. Platform Management: Supports full automation of the landing zone.
  3. Application Landing Zones: Provides the necessary foundation for secure connection and quick development.
  4. Guardrails: Implements policies to maintain governance and security standards.
  5. Monitoring: Deploys automated services for proactive platform and application monitoring.

Security was of critical importance here, especially in an environment where intellectual property is central. Codit’s expertise in incorporating robust security measures into the automated generation of landing zones, workspaces, and applications proved invaluable, ensuring that Flanders Make’s innovations were safeguarded every step of the way.

Moreover, by streamlining processes and automating tasks, Codit helped Flanders Make researchers to focus their energies where it mattered most: on their research. The result? A significant increase in efficiency, with researchers now able to build applications in a matter of months, as opposed to the years it might have taken previously.

One such application built on the platform is Infraflex, a robotized flexible assembly cell designed to meet the growing demand for mass customization in manufacturing and for flexibility in production lines to accommodate this demand. With the help of Codit, build pipelines were set up in the cloud, ensuring that software quality remained top-notch while simplifying the development process.

Flanders Make’s use of Microsoft Azure technologies has addressed the challenge of deploying innovations swiftly and securely in smart manufacturing. By streamlining processes and automating tasks, it has accelerated the pace of innovation while safeguarding intellectual property. This drives progress in manufacturing, meets challenges head-on, and brings cutting-edge technologies to market efficiently and securely.

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