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Microsoft Azure Immersion Workshop: Analytics

Join Codit and Microsoft to learn how to deliver data insights by using Azure Synapse Analytics. Register today!

2 Feb 2023

2023-02-02 15:00:00

Microsoft Zaventem

This in-person workshop hosted by Microsoft and Codit’s IoT Lead, Steven De Lausnay, offers a hands-on training on how to deliver data insights by using Azure Synapse Analytics. During this immersive and guided lab experience, you’ll also explore ways to make insights available to everyone in your organization using Microsoft Power BI.

After this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Accelerate progress with Azure Synapse Analytics and Microsoft Power BI
  • Identify ways to deliver new insights using your organization’s data
  • Gain the skills you need to make an impact in this deep dive into migration and modernization


What to expect:

  • The power of analytics
  • Experience analytics with Azure Synapse
  • Hands-on lab: Azure Synapse and Power BI
  • Closing and next steps


When: Thursday, February 2nd, 2023

Where: Microsoft offices Zaventem (Luchthaven Nationaal 1k, 1930 Zaventem, Belgium)

Steven De Lausnay is Codit’s IoT Lead. He designs and delivers IoT solutions for several domains, focusing primarily on manufacturing and energy. He enjoys sharing his knowledge with customers and showing them how IoT can both bring them additional value and transform their business. He has a technical background with several years of practical experience, and is certified with Microsoft Azure.

Steven De Lausnay

IoT Lead at Codit

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IoT Data & AI Domain Lead - Data & AI Solution Architect

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