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Leveraging IoT to Achieve Your Sustainability Goals

Watch our on-demand webcast to understand how Codit can help you to leverage IoT in order to achieve your sustainability goals.

1 Jun 2022

2022-06-01 00:00:00

Research indicates that most organizations still use offline spreadsheets to organize and report their emission data. This is no longer sufficient to meet scrutiny over the accuracy of environmental impact reporting. There is a need for automated carbon controls akin to automated financial controls, and these can’t be managed manually.

In this webinar, Codit’s Steven de Lausney and Microsoft’s James Lockyer take you through Codit’s data connectivity for connected assets, a software-based IoT solution powered by Azure IoT Edge. By the end, you will understand how we can help you to leverage IoT in order to achieve your sustainability goals.

Download the 20 minute, on-demand webinar to learn:

  • Microsoft’s vision for a sustainable future
  • Insights into customer success stories
  • How to build an IoT solution
  • Codit’s solution for connected assets
  • Getting started with IoT to implement a sustainability use case

Download the workshop today.

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IoT Data & AI Domain Lead - Data & AI Solution Architect

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