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Host Integration Server Roadmap

Today Microsoft went into more detail on the Host Integration roadmap. Read all about it in this article.

As integration specialists, Codit developed numerous integration projects involving Host Systems.

After the announcements during Integrate 2014, I was very interested to see how BizTalk, BizTalk Services and Host Integration will cope with these changes.

The Host Integration Team represented by Paul Larsen, published a clear roadmap of how Host Integration Server will evolve.
The following Host Integration Server features will become available as Microservices:

  • CICS, IMS and i programs application integration
  • DB2 and Informix databases
  • WebSphere MQ messages (using MS client)

The Host Integration Team will also provide connectors to use in Power BI for Office to DB2 and Informix databases (Power Query, Power Pivot)

Host Integration Server vNext will support Informix databases for both ADO.NET and BizTalk Server.

I was very pleased to see the clear and concrete roadmap and hope to see this from the other product teams as well.

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