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Resolving itineraries, mappings in ESB Toolkit via BRI and BRE based on message content

The ESB Toolkit is an extension for Microsoft BizTalk Server. It comes as an extra layer on top of BizTalk to make the routing and processing of messages even more easy than it already is by providing extra tools and libraries for the developer to use.

Via Itineraries, messages are transferred through the BizTalk application and mappings and services are resolved by different resolvers. There are some differences in the BRE when used as a resolver with the ESB toolkit that can give the developer some headaches.

When receiving a message in BizTalk using the ESB Toolkit, the first thing you have to do is define an itinerary. The itinerary contains different steps for the message to go to like services and mappings.

During a project I wanted to resolve these, based on the message content. I encountered some unexpected behavior during the development of this project and I wanted to share it because it almost gave me a headache.



Via the different resolvers, we can return itineraries, mappings, services, WCF bindings or variables that need to be executed in BizTalk. The most useful resolver is the Business Rules Engine. Because the BRE lets us decide what to return based on message content. This configuration can be managed in different policies.

Itinerary resolving

Via the default pipeline ItinerarySelectReceiveXml, we can use the ESB Itinerary Selector to select/resolve our itinerary.

Itinerary Select Receive

Just use “Resolver.Itinerary” as ItineraryFactKey and use the BRI resolverConnectionstring to contact the Business Rules Engine(BRE) in the ESB Itineray Selector.

This will trigger the BRE to execute the chosen policy. The defined conditions are evaluated and certain actions will be executed. In this case returning the name of the preferred itinerary.

Now you should pay attention!

When using XPaths to evaluate the message content, the pipeline component doesn’t send the correct document type to the BRE but a fixed value =’Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ResolveProviderMessage’.

This is also documented in the blogpost but it is important for new ESB Toolkit users to situate this in the entire ESB Toolkit story.

When importing a schema in the BRE to use in an XPath, change the document type to ‘Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ResolveProviderMessage’.

If the itinerary is resolved, then the ESB dispatcher will execute the itinerary. The service responsible for the routing of the message is the Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Services.Routing service. The mappings are executed in the Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Services.Transform.

Resolve mappings,services, …

When resolving a mapping or a service based on the message content, make sure you are using the correct document type. In my case, we were using a schema with multiple root nodes.

The wanted transformation was not executed because the BRE couldn’t find a rule that has conditions that return true in order to execute an action, being the returning of the transformtype.

The BRE suggested to use schemaname.rootnode. The ESB Toolkit however sends the fully qualified name: schemaname+rootnode to the BRE. After changing the documenttype in the BRE to the fully qualified name with ‘+’ notation, the itinerary worked completely 


To see what happens behind the screens, the trace option on the ESB toolkit can be used. Add following lines to the Machine.config:



Then use the debugview tool and connect to the Biztalk server to trace the logging of the esb toolkit.


 The selected itinerary and all the further steps can be seen here. It shows which messages are send to the ESB toolkit and the names that are used.

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