Hub One

Hub One Uses IoT to Ensure Passengers Never Lose Their Luggage Again

Hub One uses IoT to keep track of luggage through some of the busiest airport hubs in Europe.

  • Expertise in this case
Executive Summary

Hub One’s hybrid IoT solution helps airlines keep real-time track of passenger luggage containers in airport hubs across France.

  • Challenge
  • Approach
  • Results


Hub One wanted to improve their offerings to airlines by keeping track of passenger luggage through busy airport hubs across France. But in order to do this they needed to upgrade their old system.

They were looking for a solution that combined IoT, the cloud, and on-premises systems to collect and process data and then quickly send this data to airlines for use.

Hub One realized they needed help to validate the concept and they asked Microsoft for a recommendation. “Microsoft referred us to their certified partner Codit,” says Taïb Bouhouche, Project Director Division Mobility, Hub One “and that’s how we met.”

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Hub One manages various traceability and measuring devices for its customers. For example, it offers airlines traceability services for containers in the form of RFID tagged trailers filled with passenger baggage. These trailers pass through detection frames which sends data to the corresponding airline.

The system needed an upgrade in order to continue providing their customers with the best service.  “Our old system had been in place for many years and upgrading was difficult. We decided to start again from scratch, to give the airlines a better service,” says Taïb Bouhouche.

The go live was the most critical phase of the project. We didn’t encounter the slightest problem during the migration managed by Codit.

Taïb Bouhouche Project Director Division Mobility, Hub One


Within six months Codit carried out a comprehensive feasibility study, which validated Hub One’s concept and assessed the value of the platform.

Hub One first designed and implemented detection frames which can pick up data from baggage trailers moving at speeds of up to 30 km/h. This data is collected via RFID tags and is then sent to an Azure-based integration platform, setup by Codit, where it is processed and sent to the airlines’ data centers – all within a blink of an eye.

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Hub One implemented detection frames that capture the RFID tag data from baggage trailers that move up to 30km per hour. These detection frames then sends this data to the hybrid integration platform comprised of Microsoft BizTalk and Microsoft Azure.

There the data is filtered, checked for duplicates, contextualized, enriched, structured and stored. The data is then sent to the airline’s head office, which can be several hundred kilometers away. Amazingly, the time between the first RFID scan to data delivery to the airline is less than 10 seconds.

For Hub One the go-live was the most critical phase of the project. “There couldn’t be the slightest malfunction, because the service is being used continuously by the airline,” says Taïb Bouhouche. To safeguard against this, the old and new systems ran in parallel during the progressive migration of the detection frames so that backtracking would have been possible. “The airline was fully aware of what we were doing. Yet we didn’t encounter the slightest problem during the migration managed by Codit,” says Bouhouche.

It took only five months to go from ideation to go-live.


Thanks to the new hybrid integration platform, airlines at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport receive real-time information about their passenger’s luggage, exponentially improving passenger experience through some of Europe’s busiest airport hubs.

The new platform also slashes Hub One’s costs and they can pass these savings onto their customers. The Hub One – Codit story is far from over, with Codit Customer Care working in the background to run the platform.

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“This new platform has allowed us to optimize costs,” says Taïb Bouhouche, “And we’ve been able to pass on those savings to our customer.”

The Azure platform allows for the solution to be flexible, and Hub One now plans to scale the solution for other projects, This solution allows us to move forward with our IoT projects and to develop new, innovative services for our existing customers,” says Bouhouche, “In fact, flexibility is the principal advantage of this solution because we intend to apply it to other sectors, beyond the airport industry.”

Codit Customer Care continues to manage and monitor Hub One’s solution from behind the scenes. This ensures there is no downtime, and the system is always maintained in perfect working order – all without Hub One’s team having to lift a finger.

A word from the client

“Our partnership with Codit was a real success. They are experts in integration and IoT technologies, and extremely customer-oriented. Codit fulfilled every aspect of its contract in terms of deadlines, cost, and expertise.”

Taïb Bouhouche, Project Director Division Mobility, Hub One

Cost optimization


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