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Customer Care: A Deep Dive into CloudBrew 2023

CloudBrew 2023 ran from December 7th to 8th this year, and a team from Customer Care immersed ourselves in a variety of insightful sessions presented by engaging speakers covering diverse topics. In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into three talks that left a lasting impression on us.

22 Dec 2023

all Customer care

Embracing Diversity: Voices from Codit's Customer Care Team

Navigating cultures, enriching solutions, and fostering inclusion in Customer Care

9 Oct 2023

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Unlocking the Power of Site Reliability Engineering

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, where uninterrupted service and minimal disruptions are essential for businesses, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) has emerged as a critical discipline.

15 Aug 2023

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Using ITIL to Unlock Powerful Advantages for an Unparalleled Service Journey

Discover how ITIL Practices Enhance Consistency, Quality, Communication, Cost-effectiveness, and Flexibility for Customers of Service Providers

5 Jun 2023

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Building a Secure and Scalable Cloud Environment

Codit's Best Practices: Using Landing Zones for Azure Cloud Management

15 May 2023

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The Rise of Digital Managed Services

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant rise in the use of cloud and managed services in the technology industry. Currently, it's growing at a rate of 20% through both subscription and traditional revenue streams.

17 Feb 2023
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